The Best Tools for Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin investment

Final Crypto Tool

Final Crypto Tool is a Powerful Aggregator that gathers the best news, transactions, and technical analysis about Cryptocurrencies on a single site. It likewise allows you to create your Portfolio to simulate your investment’s historical and real performance.

Undoubtedly, investments in the crypto world come with loads of risks and unanticipated futures. However, using the correct tools and effective investment strategies can help diminish such dangers enormously. Appropriate control over these tools would definitely ensure that you progress consistently.

Are you new to the world of cryptocurrencies? Are you wondering where to begin and what “exactly” to do? Well, don’t worry anymore. Our Free Academy is all you need to deepen your knowledge regarding Cryptocurrencies and Final Crypto Tool. Find out now!

Portfolio Simulator

Create your personal portfolio

Find out The Simulator to create your Personal Crypto Portfolio. Choose your favorite cryptocurrencies, Compare their performance and Simulate your Personal Portfolio Performance.


News Aggregator

Never loose important information

The most complete aggregator to obtain news from all over the world. Choose the most important news with the advanced filter and vote every post to help other users.



Everything you need for analysis

Don’t waste your time looking for information everywhere on the web. Find out on one single webpage the most useful charts and tools to make the right choice for your investment.



A new power in your choices

A revolutionary tool that combines Advanced Transactions / News Analysis with Technical Charts. Find out how news and transactions impact the crypto prices on chart.


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News Aggregator

All Information about Crypto

You can now explore all information about Crypto on a singular platform.
Find out news from all across the world, filter posts the way you like, and vote to make others aware of your preferences!
Don’t waste your time looking for data all over the web. We have gathered them just for you!


Your time is precious


Don’t waste hours looking for guidance regarding your investments. Save your time, energy, and resources. We have compiled the most excellent charts and guidelines just for you and have exquisitely gathered them on our platform. These would surely help you a ton.

  • Best charts and indicators
  • Most valuable tools and technical analysis
  • Richest Cryptocurrency transactions prevailing across the market
  • Crypto world Glossary
  • Many other useful features
Your personal investing advisor


This tool efficiently amalgamates all news, transactions and technical analysis within one chart.

We have three powerful charts

Try now

Advanced Chart

how news and transactions influence the prevailing crypto prices

Fast Indicators Chart

the leading indicators to assist you with a fast choice

Technical Chart

for the most advanced technical analysis tools

The most extravagant money transactions and significant news can be easily filtered on your chart to give you a powerful advantage for your choices.

Don’t believe anyone who tells you that is possible to control the market. It is really not. These markets are highly unpredictable. The only thing you can do is form an effective investment strategy. Plan efficiently. Conquer the market. Succeed!

Your Crypto Portfolio


A new section made to analyze crypto prices and simulate your Personal Crypto Portfolio is our advanced Simulator.
Chose the cryptocurrencies, analyze the possible combinations and simulate the best portfolio.

Try now

Crypto Compare

view crypto prices and compare them

Portfolio Simulator

create your personal portfolio

The portfolio simulator likewise has the feature of historical performance. This implies that you can create your Portfolio meanwhile simulating your past performance. This would ensure that you pick the best combinations of cryptocurrencies for maximum monetary benefits.

These are compelling approaches to comprehend the crypto market and make the correct choices for your money investments.

What makes us the best?

Among others


Number of Portfolios you can create for your investment


Percent of time saved with Final Crypto Tool


Collected charts and tools to help your investment


Every day best news from all over the world